Hiep Tang from the Rotary Club of Oldsmar/Eastlake received the 2018-2019 Herbert G. & Diane Brown Humanitarian Award on Saturday June 15th, 2019 at the Rotary District Governor’s Annual Banquet in New Port Richey, Florida. “The Herbert G. & Diane Brown Humanitarian Award is to be held in the highest esteem and is not expected to be given each year. It is for a lifetime of honoring the ideals of Rotary, working diligently for the betterment of life for all, especially the children, throughout the world”, said Jarred Brown, Rotary District 6950 Foundation Chair.
“For a life devoted to the promotion of peace through the alleviation of the world’s suffering by improving health, hunger, water and literacy, especially with the children and through them, our future”.
Congratulations Hiep!